KJS competitions and challenges


As part of our new Ambition Curriculum, different departments and faculties will be organising competitions and challenges throughout the year.

Enter now to win prizes for yourself and achievement points to go towards your House



Our first faculty ACE Challenge was run by the Languages department to celebrate European Day of Languages.

The ACE Challenge was to create a sculpture made from any material of a famous European landmark. It has to be outside of the United Kingdom. (Sorry, no Big Ben’s)

The entries were estupendo but the winning House was SIDDON!


What is coming up?

KJS competitions and challenges


As part of our new Ambition Curriculum, different departments and faculties will be organising competitions and challenges throughout the year.

Enter now to win prizes for yourself and achievement points to go towards your House



Our first faculty ACE Challenge was run by the Languages department to celebrate European Day of Languages.

The ACE Challenge was to create a sculpture made from any material of a famous European landmark. It has to be outside of the United Kingdom. (Sorry, no Big Ben’s)

The entries were estupendo but the winning House was SIDDON!


What is coming up?

KJS competitions and challenges


As part of our new Ambition Curriculum, different departments and faculties will be organising competitions and challenges throughout the year.

Enter now to win prizes for yourself and achievement points to go towards your House



Our first faculty ACE Challenge was run by the Languages department to celebrate European Day of Languages.

The ACE Challenge was to create a sculpture made from any material of a famous European landmark. It has to be outside of the United Kingdom. (Sorry, no Big Ben’s)

The entries were estupendo but the winning House was SIDDON!


What is coming up?