Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a Government initiative which was introduced in April 2011 to provide additional funding for learners who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research indicates that learners from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their peers and the Pupil Premium initiative has been designed to help tackle the progress and achievement gaps between learners.

The funding is additional to the main school funding and is specifically allocated to support learners who are looked after by the local authority, those who are eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (FSM6) and for learners whose parents currently serve in the armed forces. In 2023/24 this was £1,035 (FSM6) and £335 (Forces children) respectively. 

The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in school and to find ways to support them to do their best. Neither the government nor its agencies dictate how the funding should be spent, but the aim is always to narrow the achievement gap between these students and their peers.

We offer each student who is eligible for this support the following promise:

  • Access to a specified amount of money to provide uniform and school equipment, if it is felt that the absence of these is hindering progress.
  • Intensive tracking and monitoring of students’ progress; access to vocational courses where appropriate; and the option to personalise a student’s timetable if it is felt necessary.
  • Small group work in English / Maths for students who are in danger of underachieving.
  • After school “catch-up” clubs.
  • Enhanced curriculum intervention for more able PP students.
  • Revision courses and guides where appropriate for KS4 students.
  • Enhanced Careers, University information and guidance for students in KS4.
  • A range of extra-curricular events, including the possibility of financial support for curriculum trips out of school.

Disadvantaged Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025                Download/View

You can read about our approach to:

  1. Quality First Teaching here
  2. Targeted academic support here
  3. Wider strategies here

Free School Meals

If you are eligible, even if you don’t wish your child to have school dinners, it’s worth registering as school gets funding to support your child, which helps with things like trips and equipment.

Check if you are eligible and apply here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/schools/free-school-meals.aspx

Please note, you may need to reapply even if you have previously received funding.

Contact free school meals

You can find further information here

Household Support Fund  

Help is available for children and families in need of support with food, fuel and other essential items over the winter months. Schools and residents can access all the support available via Kirklees Council Local Welfare Provision by completing the online form on the website, emailing or calling. 

Webpage for info and access to the online form: Local Welfare Provision | Kirklees Council 

Email: lwp@kirklees.gov.uk   Tel: 01484 414782 (Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm, excluding Bank Holidays)  

In addition, Uniform Exchange provide free recycled uniform for Kirklees families, and there is Financial support and debt advice available from Kirklees Council. 

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a Government initiative which was introduced in April 2011 to provide additional funding for learners who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research indicates that learners from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their peers and the Pupil Premium initiative has been designed to help tackle the progress and achievement gaps between learners.

The funding is additional to the main school funding and is specifically allocated to support learners who are looked after by the local authority, those who are eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (FSM6) and for learners whose parents currently serve in the armed forces. In 2023/24 this was £1,035 (FSM6) and £335 (Forces children) respectively. 

The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in school and to find ways to support them to do their best. Neither the government nor its agencies dictate how the funding should be spent, but the aim is always to narrow the achievement gap between these students and their peers.

We offer each student who is eligible for this support the following promise:

  • Access to a specified amount of money to provide uniform and school equipment, if it is felt that the absence of these is hindering progress.
  • Intensive tracking and monitoring of students’ progress; access to vocational courses where appropriate; and the option to personalise a student’s timetable if it is felt necessary.
  • Small group work in English / Maths for students who are in danger of underachieving.
  • After school “catch-up” clubs.
  • Enhanced curriculum intervention for more able PP students.
  • Revision courses and guides where appropriate for KS4 students.
  • Enhanced Careers, University information and guidance for students in KS4.
  • A range of extra-curricular events, including the possibility of financial support for curriculum trips out of school.

Disadvantaged Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025                Download/View

You can read about our approach to:

  1. Quality First Teaching here
  2. Targeted academic support here
  3. Wider strategies here

Free School Meals

If you are eligible, even if you don’t wish your child to have school dinners, it’s worth registering as school gets funding to support your child, which helps with things like trips and equipment.

Check if you are eligible and apply here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/schools/free-school-meals.aspx

Please note, you may need to reapply even if you have previously received funding.

Contact free school meals

You can find further information here

Household Support Fund  

Help is available for children and families in need of support with food, fuel and other essential items over the winter months. Schools and residents can access all the support available via Kirklees Council Local Welfare Provision by completing the online form on the website, emailing or calling. 

Webpage for info and access to the online form: Local Welfare Provision | Kirklees Council 

Email: lwp@kirklees.gov.uk   Tel: 01484 414782 (Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm, excluding Bank Holidays)  

In addition, Uniform Exchange provide free recycled uniform for Kirklees families, and there is Financial support and debt advice available from Kirklees Council. 

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a Government initiative which was introduced in April 2011 to provide additional funding for learners who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research indicates that learners from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their peers and the Pupil Premium initiative has been designed to help tackle the progress and achievement gaps between learners.

The funding is additional to the main school funding and is specifically allocated to support learners who are looked after by the local authority, those who are eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years (FSM6) and for learners whose parents currently serve in the armed forces. In 2023/24 this was £1,035 (FSM6) and £335 (Forces children) respectively. 

The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in school and to find ways to support them to do their best. Neither the government nor its agencies dictate how the funding should be spent, but the aim is always to narrow the achievement gap between these students and their peers.

We offer each student who is eligible for this support the following promise:

  • Access to a specified amount of money to provide uniform and school equipment, if it is felt that the absence of these is hindering progress.
  • Intensive tracking and monitoring of students’ progress; access to vocational courses where appropriate; and the option to personalise a student’s timetable if it is felt necessary.
  • Small group work in English / Maths for students who are in danger of underachieving.
  • After school “catch-up” clubs.
  • Enhanced curriculum intervention for more able PP students.
  • Revision courses and guides where appropriate for KS4 students.
  • Enhanced Careers, University information and guidance for students in KS4.
  • A range of extra-curricular events, including the possibility of financial support for curriculum trips out of school.

Disadvantaged Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025                Download/View

You can read about our approach to:

  1. Quality First Teaching here
  2. Targeted academic support here
  3. Wider strategies here

Free School Meals

If you are eligible, even if you don’t wish your child to have school dinners, it’s worth registering as school gets funding to support your child, which helps with things like trips and equipment.

Check if you are eligible and apply here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/schools/free-school-meals.aspx

Please note, you may need to reapply even if you have previously received funding.

Contact free school meals

You can find further information here

Household Support Fund  

Help is available for children and families in need of support with food, fuel and other essential items over the winter months. Schools and residents can access all the support available via Kirklees Council Local Welfare Provision by completing the online form on the website, emailing or calling. 

Webpage for info and access to the online form: Local Welfare Provision | Kirklees Council 

Email: lwp@kirklees.gov.uk   Tel: 01484 414782 (Mon-Fri 10am – 4pm, excluding Bank Holidays)  

In addition, Uniform Exchange provide free recycled uniform for Kirklees families, and there is Financial support and debt advice available from Kirklees Council.