King James's School

Ofsted (statutory information)

Contact details

Please find all our contact details, complaints process and key staff here

School day

Please find details of our school day here

Values & Ethos

Please find details of our school values and ethos here

Examination results

Please find our latest examination results here

Ofsted report

Please find a link to our latest Ofsted report here

Complaints procedure

Please find a link to our Complaints procedure here

Whistleblowing policy

Please find a link to our Whistleblowing policy here

Charging and remissions policies

Please find a link to our Charging policy here

Public sector equality duty

Please find a link to how we comply with the public sector equality duty here

Annual reports & accounts and Executive Pay

Please find our annual reports & accounts and executive pay here




Please find details of our curriculum here

Please find details of our faculties and subjects here

Remote education

Please find details of our remote education provision here


Please find our SEND information here

Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Please find a link to our Pupil Premium here

Careers programme

Please find details of our Careers programme here

Behaviour policy & Anti-bullying policy

Please find a link to our latest behaviour and anti-bullying policies here

Uniform details

Please find information about our uniform here

Admissions details

Please find all our admissions details here

Trustees' information and details

Please find information about our trustees here